Restaurants, Hotels, Accomodation and Catering

What can we do for you?

PDA waiter ordering systems. You can have all the waiting staff in your restaurant equipped with an electronic ordering system for around £500 per concurrent waiter plus £500 for the main kitchen terminal. These prices include the provision of bespoke software, tailored to your exact needs, and based on Microsoft's bestselling technologies.

Room Booking Systems. Integrated room booking systems deal with all sources of bookings. Internet bookings, telephone bookings and travel agent bookings can all be integrated direct into your booking calendar.

Room cleaning management Cleaning staff equipped with mobile devices can be provided with automatic assigments of which room to clean next.

Mobile information integration.

Integration of account package information and contact management systems.

Development of bespoke information systems.

Provision of off-the-shelf solutions and support relating to these.

Business process analysis and engineering.

Support with IT strategy planning.

Web marketing campaigns and consultancy.

Document management systems.

Microsoft Office systems integration and support.

User Training

Demonstration of tailored PDA restaurant menu application Demonstration of tailored PDA restaurant menu application

Instantaneous communication to and from kitchen

Estate Agents transmit data direct from the doorstep to the web site, via a PDA equipment with GPRS, GSM or 3G